Authenticity, Health, and Flow
It's a challenge when we wear a lot of hats in our daily life, especially ones that aren't on the same rack, and we have trouble figuring...

5G, Are We Pushing Our Limits?
5G is about to be launched and we're all sitting on the edge of our seats for different reasons. Some of us simply can't wait for our...

How the Alluring Screen Steals Our Sleep
How often do you fall asleep in front of the TV or computer? If you're anything like me, you save broadcasted (or "streamed," forgive my...

Trusting Yourself Over Your Medical Professional
Something that people often forget is that they are the authority on their own bodies, not a doctor. Aside from cases of quarantined...

EMF Sensitivity: Is it Real and True?
I have recently started seeing more clients with EMF (electro magnetic field) sensitivity. I didn't realize just how common it was until...

Substance Abuse Society
Often clients, friends, and people at multiple social occasions are curious about my thoughts on mind-altering substances as a...

What is the Difference Between Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki?
"What is craniosacral therapy?" I'll be asked in a number of different social settings. Before having the opportunity to answer,...

Enjoying your Exercise
How do you stay fit? Do you look forward to your trip to the gym before or after work? Do you have a hobby that involves being active? ...

Serving Clients From Both Sides: The Line Between Science and Wu-Wu.
Unlike those of traditional modern medicine, I don’t know what inspired most of my colleagues to seek out a new age spiritual path to...